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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

ftv 'pembuktian sahabat'

Ngomongin artis, gue ngerasa kasian banget. Dan gue juga yakin pasti nggak ada artis yang kayak gue. Cerita ini dimulai ketika bu bangun tiba tiba ngasih tugas suruh buat film pendek. Dan lo tau apa, gue dapet peran jadi bu guru. Lucunya, gue yang jadi bu guru, tapi murid murid gue bagong bagong semua! Merasa terzalimi …….

Pas take, gue yang paling banyak salah. Yah gue emang susah kalo ngapal gitu. Dan kalo mau improve, gue ribet sendiri lidahnya. Scene paling pendek gue aja 2x take. Gue ngeliatiiiiin aja kelompok laen yang bisa langsung 1x take, tapi herannya nggak selesai selesai.

Pas dhona sama dina ngedit film nya bareng ‘gue nggak tau siapa’, masa kata ‘gue nggak tau siapa’ gini
‘buh behind the scene nya dia semua gini’ antara bangga gue nampang mulu, dan malu gue salah terus.
‘ini guru beneran’ antara bangga peran gue cocok, sama lipstick gue terlalu menor.
‘semuanya bisa di edit, tapi cara jalan dia nggak bisa’ antara bangga pernah jalan di catwalk waktu kecil, atau malah tampak kayak anak bebek ilang.

Dan lo tau apa pas perkenalan!!! Gue lupa nyebut nama gue! Apalah arti gue syuting selama ini!!!!!!! Gue langsung bilang ‘wasssssupppp guys, seperti biasa gue selalu terakhir. Dapet peran jadi guru yang perhatian tapi banyak ngasih tugas. Kasian yang udah pernah jadi murid gue’ dan gue ngomong itu ekspresif banget broh! Bapas gue enek sendiri ngeliat rekamannya. Sok gaul. Dan yang paling penting, gue nggak nyebut nama! Gue sih simple aja, soalnya kan gue udah agak terkenal gitu lah yaaa, jadi mungkin banyak yang tau.

Contohnya aja nyampe sekarang setiap gue masuk di sekolah ada yang nyapa gini ‘hai ulima’ cewek sih. Gue cuma masang muka datar, nyoba nginget nginget nama dia gitu kan. tapi gue bales dulu ‘haaai pagiiii’ sambil heboh. Alesannya cuma satu, gue nggak tau nama dia, dia tau nama gue, dia nyapa gue, masa iya gue jawab datar banget. Itu aja sih. Sambil jalan menuju kelas, gue mikir, itu siapaaaa namanya. Siapa!!!!!!!!!! Dan akhirnya gue gagal. Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhh dan itu kejadian berulang ulang

Okay back to the script. Sebenernya ntah di dunia apa aja pasti gue dibuli. Ntah apa salah gue. Di kehidupan nyata sama agya, sekelas, ec bahkan, dkk, di mimpi juga sama yang nongol itu itu aja. Pas gue syuting dan gue salah, figuran gue malah nimpukin kertas ke gue. Kasian gue ini. Kasian. *gimana nggak ditimpukin, lo nya aja take 6 kali ul!* mungkin kayak gitu kata fahry yang ngewakilin sekelas.

At least, gue udah dandan cantik banget *lipstikan gitu* semoga hasilnya bagus dan dapet nilai yang sesuai juga.

Akhirnya gue mengambil kesimpulan. Kalo lo mau jadi artis, harus banget punya otak yang kemampuan improvisasi sama menghapalnya tinggi, kalo nggak mau jadi kayak gue.


sekedar cerita aja

Gue sebenernya bingung banget sama perasaan gue. Rasanya udah lebih dari rasa suka, menuju kata cinta lah. Hmmmm gue udah diniatin ‘ul yuk jangan nyari info dia lagi, nanti dia risih sama lo’ ‘ul, jangan egois, nggak perlu kan dia ngebales perasaan lo’

Tapi nyatanya gue tetep penasaran. Sebenernya siapa yang ada di hati lo. Gue perlu tau. Setiap gue ngeliat lo, gue selalu nggak pernah natap lo kan, nggak pernah nyapa lagi. Nyadar nggak sih! Itu semua gue lakuin juga biar lo nggak ngerasa nggak enak ke gue. Ada pertanyaan juga yang nggakjel di gue. Apa sih pendapat lo kalo gue confess apa yang gue rasain ke lo. Karena gue yakin banget lo bukan orang yang cepet ngerti apa yang orang lain rasain. Biar sekalian lo nyadar, boleh nggak.

Kemaren gue udah puas banget curhat sama yanet, ‘udah ul, itu tandanya lo masih cinta sama dia. Nggak usah dipaksain ngehindar, ntar nyesek sendiri’ dan akhirnya pertanyaan terakhir dia ‘jadi mau give up aja lanjut’ ‘lanjut net, percuma aja gue give up malah bikin sesek, mending lanjut tapi nggak ada kemajuan *bahkan cuma buat ngobrol*’

Terus gue mikir, betapa patheticnya gue ini. Sekali suka sama orang bener bener kayak gini. Tapi kalo orang lain tanya ‘dia udah tau lo suka sama dia ul’ gue bingung mau jawab apa. Jelas lah dia udah tau, di blog udah jelas banget tuh, kehidupan nyata, udah jelas banget gimana gue paling nggak bisa natap mata satu orang, cuma lo! Tapi gue juga bisa jawab pertanyaan itu nggak, karena masa iya segitu nya nggak paham.

Yanet bilang, ada kemungkinan, tapi itu langsung gue tepis gitu aja. Ya padahal prinsip gue ‘nggak ada yang nggak mungkin’ tapi ya apa daya, emang jayaknya jauh dari 15% kan

Jadi buat ‘dia’ atau ‘lo’ yang gue ketik disini, gue selalu berdoa kok buat lo, apa yang terbaik buat lo dan masa depan lo. Walaupun dalam kehidupan nyata, mana pernah gue manggil lo .. ngomong banmal *nggak resmi* aja jarang banget. Ternyata semua perasaan cewek juga gitu, doanya juga gitu buat orang yang dia sayangin. Bukannya gue lebay. Tapi cowok cowok harus percaya itu. cewek diem diem selalu bertanya, ‘apa gue ada ya sedikit aja di hati dan pikiran dia’. Atau berdoa sendiri ‘Tuhan, kalo dia bukan jodohku, tolong jauhkan dia dari ku’ percaya deh buat para cowok cowok. Tapi jarang banget seorang cewek yang blak blakan ngakuin itu. yah rasanya gue adalah salah satu orang yang berani ngungkapin ini di forum public.

Yanet ‘ul terkadang lo harus egois demi diri lo’. Thanks net, lo nggak cuma bisa dengerin curhat gue, tapi udah banyak banget kata kata lo yang gue inget nyampe sekarang. *peluk*

Ok bloggers, gue akhiri ya.. ppyeong~~~~~~

belajar motor

Mau ngomongin masalah motor dulu ah. jadi bener banget iklan good day coffee itu. pertama kali nyupir emang berjuta banget rasanya. Seneng sih, dingin, tapiiii hampir masuk selokan, ngerem mendadak, belok hampir nabrak mobil, rasanya nggak bakal bisa dibilang enak ….

Sekarang sih gue udah tau gimana triknya, tapi tetep aja nggak mau dibawa. Alesan pertama, nomor belum item, yang kedua, gue nggak ahli parker, yang ketiga, gue belum dibeliin daleman celana.

Masalah daleman celana, mak gue pernah bilang, yaudah ntar beli rok rample aja *atau gimana lah tulisannya* terus gue jawab ‘berarti dimasukin dong bajunya’ ‘iya dong’ ‘ih males, ngapain pake jilbab kalo kayak gitu’ dan gue ngicir aja ke kamar gue.

Akhirnya kata mak gue, gue bakal dibeliin daleman celana aja, roknya tetep. Tapi kayaknya gue harus ngurusin baju batik dulu. Gila boy selama hampir dua tahun ini gue ngggak nyaman banget pake baju itu! panjaaaaaaaaaaaanggg banget! Masa nyampe paha hampir selutut. Akibatnya gue copot kancing bawaknya, dan malah jadi aneh. Ah tau deh bingung. Terus juga rok gue yang jahitannya lepas. Ok, gimana nggak lepas kalo gaya duduk gue di lantai aja kayak gitu ……..

Dan akhirnya, gue berharap biar bisa cepet cepet bisa ngendarain itu. biar nggak ngerepotin, mudahin gue buat kerja kelompok, tambahan juga, gitu deh pokoknya. Dan gue nggak mau dijadiin anak kecil terus sama orang tua gue. That’s it!

Karena gue udah speechless banget mau nulis apa. Yasudah gue akhiri nyampe di sini yaaaa ….

Keep reading. Keep blogging.

favourite BB

Seneng itu adalah ketika lo tau dan bisa bilang ‘ah ni musik gue banget!’ ‘soul gue dapet banget!’ ‘jenis musik gue nih!’ dan itu semua bisa lo temuin sepaket.

Gue dari dulu udah naksir sama SS5O1. Nyampe sekarang! Bukan ngesir lagi, udah cinte banget. Mulai dari profil member yang low profil banget, ramah, nggak neko neko, nggak jaga image, lagunya juga rata rata ‘gue banget’.

Yang mau gue bahas di sini adalah UKISS. Sama sama double S ya hihihi. Agaknya gue telat banget suka sama ni BB. Dari dulu sebenernya juga udah tau, cuma karena gue belum punya banyak lagunya, gue jadi biasa aja. Eh sekarang gue udah punya 42 lagu, dan waw suaranya enak semua. Musiknya. Beat nya. Rock banget deh! Apalagi lagu NOT YOUNG. Padahal itu lagu lama banget, tapi di mv nya, kibum sama Kevin gantengnya minta digorok!!!!!

Lagu yang gue suka lumayan banyak. Nggak bisa disebutin semua. Sekitar 35 lagu sampai 42 tuh hahaha. Malah yang gue heran kenapa pada suka sama suju soalnya jujur, gue pribadi udah dijejelin mv sama temen gue yang elf, tapi gue nggak tergerak sama sekali. Ya responnya gitu aja. Datar. Nggak pernah heboh. Tapi emang sih mukanya ganteng ganteng. Tapi masih natural muka nya SS5O1 *ga mau kalah*. hohoho. Ukiss juga, malah lebih nunjukin talent mereka.

Everyone has choice. Tapi gue cuma recommend aja, di luar SM Entertainment masih banyak BANGET kok BB sama GB yang bagus. Tapi yah itu.. sometimes pasar selalu ngeliat merek luarnya aja. Jadi gue rasa kasian aja sama orang orang yang cuma kenal penyanyi atau artis atau BB atau GB yang menang nama aja. That’s it.

Ok guys, no bashing ya . peace ^^

Friday, May 4, 2012

in a quandary 3

Hari kamis yang gue gabung sama hari jumat.

Kamis nggak galau lagi lah ya *ditempukin sama pangeran*. Yaaa jadi ceritanya hari ini, hmmmm gue bingung, emang gue ngapain aja ya. Oh nggak tau, gue itu lagi sibuk sama jahitan gue, terus gue lagi gupek ngerjain mandarin. Terus gue pulang, eh malah diajakin ke dealer Honda. Beli motor dooong warna biru. Adek gue nanya mulu ‘kenapa nggak ijo’ ‘nah tuh kan, depeik aja bilang ijo yang bagus’ bokap gue yang emang hobi warna ijo langsung nyamber. ‘yeeeee biariiin’.

Terus gue nonton running man. Abis itu gue nyelesein pelajaran. Sukses gue nggak galau.

Terus hari jumat. Yang bikin galau sebenernya nggak ada. Cuma agak sensitive aja pas gue main pianika. Gimana nggak coba. Kelompok gue bawa lagu ARMADA ‘MAU DIBAWA KEMANA’. Gue maen yang bener bener pake perasaan, bagaikan orchestra ternama.

Pagi paginya astari ‘yah sepi yah ul, nggak ada kelas XII’ ‘mau coba ngegalauin gue tah’ soalnya walaupun mereka masih ada kan toh juga nggak bakal seman juga ….. ah anak kecil emang selalu bisa di debatin *gue aja nggak nyambung arti dari tulisan gue*

Oke deh. Kayaknya gue harus berusaha banget biar bisa jadi cewek yang abnormal lagi. Kalo gue jadi normal terus terusan, pasti bantal gue yang jadi sasaran. Hahahaha

Ok this is the end of listening comprehension test.


ok this is my quandary story. Thanks for listening. Bye bye ~~~~~~

in a quandary 2

Hari kedua ……

Mata gue udah kayak orang cina. Kasian bantal gue. Gue tangisin, gue ilerin, gue ompolin, gue jilatin. Hari kedua tanggal 2mei. Upacara nih memperingati hari pendidikan nasional. Gue seneng banget bisa berdiri. Bisa baris di tempat yang lo tempatin. Tapi ya gitu. Rasanya hambar banget. Biasanya tiap upacara gue selalu noleh, nyariin lo. Tapi sekarang gue nggak perlu lagi ngelakuin itu. karena lo emang udah selesai di sekolah ini. Tapi tetep aja gue ngelakuin kebiasaan itu. maaf ya. Mungkin kalimat itu yang harus gue omongin tiap hari ke perasaan gue. Ya karena itu. gue udah bingung juga mau ngomong sama siapa. Toh juga yang lain udah tau cerita gue, nah kalo gue ulang, pasti mereka bosen.

Hari ini tambahan kimia. Bu sal ‘ulima kok nggak semangat’. ‘ummm anu bu, kepanasan. Ya emang bener karena AC nggak kerasa banget.’ Apalagi di tambah orang orang yang nyampe hari itu pamer kalo dia bisa foto sama orang yang dia sukain* sebut aja dina else yang punya cerita mirip sama gue *ya walaupun tetep aja tragisan cerita gue T.T*, suci rahayu yang emang dari jaman bahela ngefans berat sama salah satu kakak kelas juga. Sedangkan gue sama trining mangap aja kayak orang minta pecel.

Back to the story
‘ah jangan jangan udah punya pacar lagi. Galau gitu’
Sekelas malah jadi ketawa. Yah mengingat gue yang emang nggak keliatan punya tampang pacaran *lah yang emang dari dulu belum pernah pacaran*
‘oh jangan jangan sedih lagi ditinggal beeeep *gila darah gue langsung naek. Gue tinggal ngarep aja muka gue nggak nunjukin banget*’
‘ah, nggak kok bu’
‘ah masa *pake nada ngejek* sir kan lo sama dia’
*sekelas udah mulai ricuh. Oh my God! Ibu ini kenapa sih, pikir gue*
‘ya sir lah jelas. Nggak mungkin nggak. Orangnya juga ganteng, sopan lagi. Pasti sir’
*mati mati di tempat*

Oke galau dimulai dari sini

‘ibu aja pengen jadiin dia jadi mantu ibu’
*abis mati idup lagi. Denger kata itu, manas dulu, baru mati lagi*

Akhirnya nggak jadi les kimia, gara gara AC nggak kunjung sembuh.

Di rumah, gue pengen banget bikin entry, eh tapi kok batre NB lowbat. Akhirnya mengurung diri di kamar dan iseng iseng nyariin buku kumpulin puisi gue jaman smp *tenang aja, rata rata ada di blog ini kok, baca aja kalo penasaran*. Jadi inget lagi deh, dulu, gue gue lebih sering buat cerpen kalo di blog. Kalo cerita kehidupan sehari hari gue tulis lewat puisi. Kalo sekarang, gue lebih suka pake cerita narasi daripada puisi. Akhirnya gue nemu buku kosong dan enak banget buat ditulisin kisah kita *muntah*. Gue tadinya mau nyari buku yang kertasnya warna biru. Tapi nggak ketemu. Sebiru hatikuuu~~ akhirnya gue mulai nulis. Baru satu lembar *belum penuh*, yah ternyata emang bener. Diary atau buku yang bener bener perasaan kita itu. 1% tinta, 99% emang perasaan.

Jam udah nunjukin kam 18.OO gue harus berenti galau. Gue pun mandi, siap siap mau les LIA

Les di LIA ……

Mr bagi kelompok buat kerja kelompok. Gue sekelompok yang emang nggak waras dari sononya. Rani, Yunita *dia kelas XII tapi masih tuaan gue*, kak Agus sama andre. Sambil biar nggak serius banget. Cerita dimulai dari rani, jadi keesokan harinya, dia mau camping. Nah dia bingung mau ngasih judul apa buat drama dia. Akhirnya dia nyeritain ceritanya. Entah kenapa tiba tiba bahas masalah temen dia yang hobi ngupil. Semenit kemudian, kak agus ‘lega mana ya, kentut apa ngupil’ dan percakapan pun jadi semakin nggak jelas. Dari kentut, nyampe ke gang rumah, terus ke roket, terus ke blahblahblah. Gila bener emang. Bahkan mereka malah bikin telenovela sendiri. Gue yang *merasa* normal cuma bisa ngerjain tugasnya. Tapi apa daya, kutukan mereka lebih kuat. Nyampe nyampe gue nggak bisa nulis lagi.

Oke, stop nggak galau lagi. Kegalauan muncul ketika mr panji bilang ‘again and again’

Sejenak kelas hening. Dan tiba tiba nyanyi, ‘AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN~~~~’

Sekelas yang emang rata rata suka kpop akhirnya nyanyi sambil nari dance 2pm.’arrrgh! it drives me crazy!’ dan kelompok gue langsung ngeliatin gue. Keceriaan berhenti, kegalauan melanda. Emang sial bener rani itu. ‘ul, mau curhat’ akhirnya dia nulis di buku dia. Dan gue juga *ikut ikutan* galau. Jisrrrr bener.

Pulang pulang, lagi lagi, TL penuh sama kak amri. Ah hidup gue nggak mungkin harus dipenuhi sama anak itu kaaaannnnn!!!!!!!!!!

Dan hari kedua yang bener bener sungguh galau, pun berakhir ………….

in a quandary 1

Perpisahan itu apa sih ya.. dimana lo nggak bisa lagi ketemu sama temen temen lo. Dimana lo harus nyari temen baru lagi tanpa ngelupain temen lama lo. Dan dimana. Lo masih nggak bisa untuk ngomong secara jujur enek enek lo.

Kemaren. 1 mei. Kelas XII perpisahan. Disaat itu juga, gue yang masih flash back kejadian taun kemaren. Dan masih banget kejadian yang sama.

Taun kemaren, gue dateng bareng gerombolan X4. Duduk dengan anteng. Gue sama inas langsung nunjuk nunjuk mana yang keliatan keren pas make jas. Dia yang heboh karena waktu itu masih ada senior yang dia anggep ganteng. Sementara gue nyari nyari orang yang setahun lebih tua. That’s mean, bukan kakak kelas yang gue cari kelas XII waktu itu.

Singkatnya, ketemu nih, pake jas yang lebih kece dari pada kakak kelasnya sendiri. Hmmm paling nggak menurut gue lah. Waktu itu, gue masih punya rival. Dia ngeliatin gue aja begitu dia dateng. Ah sebodo lah.. akhirnya dari pada nongol pertempuran, jadi gue suruh agya yang ngembil foto anak itu. dan gue yakin nyampe detik ini, dia juga masih suka sama orang itu. gimana nggak. Di kelas dia aja kayak gitu. Ditambah penjelasan dari spy gue. Sebenernya gue juga ngiri sama dia. Dia akrab banget sama orang itu. gue, nyampe sekarang, sms aja bisa diitung jari. Itu juga yah cuma gitu gitu aja.

Balik lagi ke cerita taun ini yah. Berhubung gue ikut andil di acra perpisahan. Jadi gue lebih konsen ke acara dari pada ke dia. Sedihnya ya itu. ini terakhir loh. Dan gue bener bggak pay attention ke acara itu. gue miss banyak banget bagian yang mungkin di bagian itulah temen temen gue bisa meluncurkan target mereka. Sementara gue. Selesainya gue tampil, gue nggak bisa ngapa ngapain. Gue cuma bisa merhatiin lo dar atas aja. Apa yang lo lakuin. Nggak sadar airmata gue netes gitu aja. Gue tetep harus jaga emosi gue. Akhirnya gue pulang. Gue yang udah nggak kuat lagi akhirnya pulang. Yanet pernah bilang dan selalu bilang ‘ul, gue bener bener ya! Heran bener gue sama lo. Udah konfes aja. Nggak papa loh. Tujuannya juga buat diri lo sendiri, biar lo lega. Nggak ngarep dia bakal pacaran juga kan ul. Itu bakal jadi hari terakhir lo’ gue pun terdiam. Gue nggak bales sms dari yanet lagi. Gue bimbang. Padahal curhatan itu sebulan sebelum H lah. Jadi galau nya bener bener nggak biasa.

Gue pun caw ke GO. Bayangin dong. Gimana coba mau move on. Pertama, nggak ada lagi yang lewat loh. Untuk ngelupain juga susah banget. Kedua, orang orang di deket lo aja selalu nyebut nyebut nama dia. Gimana! Gimana! *mati*

Ibu ‘oh gitu, ciye taun depan juga kayak gitu. Eh tadi gimena si beeeeeep’ bapas bahkan di motor pun emak gue sendiri bikin gue galau coba

Sesampainya di GO. Juga sama. Guru guru dengan polosnya nanya kabar. Gue bilang ‘so bad!’ ‘kenapa’ tanya kak sugeng. ‘itu kak, mmm perpisahan’ dan obrolan pun berlanjut.

Pelajaran kedua bu vivien, ini nih yang namanya hiburan. ‘ibu mah heran loh, masa tetangga ibu ada yang anaknya 16 coba, ngalahin team sepak bola.’ ‘ntar kalo mandiin pasti tinggal dimasukin semua anaknya ke ember, terus ditaburin rinso satu satu, abis itu dijemur. Kalo nggak gitu pasti bertaburan’ ‘kalo makan ngantri dulu kali ya. Bentuk barisan 4berbanjar. Terus yang muka mereka mangap semua kayak orang hjgvskjhdufghusdghsyugthuseghvun *biasa emak emak kan kalo ketemu kelas gue jadi heboh sendiri*

Semuanya bikin gue sakit perut. Ngakak nggak jelas. Ehhhhh jiiiirrrr pas pulang, kerjaan gue mantengin TL. Isinya kalo nggak kak am ya kak cipta. Golooookkk!!!! Udah ketawa tawa, eh isi twit dia galau semua! Oke, kak riki pun dateng ke TL dan ikutan galau. Betapa banget sih mereka itu!

Akhirnya gue tidur pas abis dengerin lagu I wonder if you hurt like me, love you, should I confess, sama tired of waiting

Hari galau pertama berakhir …………………. *sialnya masih to be continued*



I can't believe it
My love

You cruelly pretend not to see me and turn away
Admist the blowing hair, my eyes shake in despair
I try to hide it but it brightly shows like a lie

I am like this because of you
Every day is like hell- day by day
I miss you, I miss you so much
No matter how much I say I don't
It's not working

(I can't stand it anymore)
Even if my life is ruined

* Today, which is sadder than yesterday,
Inside of me, your place is empty
Tears blankly fall even though I desperately call you
I can't see you- I don't want to turn away forever

Yesterday- nanananana
Yesterday- nanananana

** Please come back
But in the end, you don't come back
Our love is only until yesterday
I don't want to turn away forever
Yesterday (life is go on)

I miss you, I miss you so much
Even though I try to be strong

* repeat

Yesterday- nanananana
Yesterday- nanananana

** repeat

* repeat




Yeah here we go once again
Guess who’s back, let’s go
This one is all about you
I really hate you but i love you
So what can i do? Now listen

My heart aches when i see you, i can’t breathe, hold my hand.
He doesn’t love you, so why?
Why don’t you get it?
Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya

I am risking everything, i put a spell, ‘we can be so perfect’
I can’t live without you even if the world will turn against me
I can’t live without you.
Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya

I am sorry but i have been waiting for this moment,
I have been wanting forever,
That your long-time love would end.
Forget about him and wash him off from your mind.
He’s not meant to be with you.
So baby won’t you come to me,
I’ll make you make you happy

I am risking everything, i put a spell, ‘we can be so perfect’
I can’t live without you even if the world will turn against me
I can’t live without you.
Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya

At first, i wanted you to be happy
Even the man you are with can’t be me.
I have believed that all i needed is for you to be happy.
But i see tears in your eyes, i see sadness in you.
I can’t hold back anymore, I’m now getting crazy.
I cannot let it go, i gotta take you
This is our destiny yeah

I am risking everything, i put a spell, ‘we can be so perfect’
I can’t live without you even if the world will turn against me
I can’t live without you.
Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya

Why don’t you know? Why that man?
I can’t see you being so sad anymore.
Please forget about the love that makes you ache,
Put away, please! I am going to save you from that aching love.
My heart tears apart when i see you shedding your tears
Without a reason, i can cross over the sea.
Trust me, i call heaven to witness
That this will be our last love yeah

My heart aches when i see you,
I can’t breathe,
My heart aches
He doesn’t love you, so why?
Why don’t you get it? Baby let me
Love ya love ya love ya

I am risking everything, i put a spell, ‘we can be so perfect’
I can’t live without you even if the world will turn against me
I can’t live without you, baby let me.
Love ya, love ya, love ya
Let me love you baby!

I can’t live without you,
Not without you…



Your back figure as you left
I can’t forget it
Because I cherished you
‘Time will fix it all’
Was the support from my friends
But it is too less to bury you
In between the continuous trips
The thing that finds me again
It is your voice carried by the wind
Can you forget?

Day by day
The day that you aren’t here
Becomes a memory like yesterday
It burdens me so much
One day just for only one day
If only my hand can wipe your tears
Then I will tell you
My everything

The past memories I can’t forget
It hides the past nights
When the heartless times stops
On top of the promise I couldn’t keep
Is the dust that settled on top
Secretly, I clean it off with my tears

In between the large population
I’m looking for you again
My voice saying that I love you
Can you forget it

Day by day
The day that you aren’t here
Becomes a memory like yesterday
It burdens me so much
One day just for only one day
If only my hand can wipe your tears
Then I will tell you
My everything

In the split road of my destiny
Even if they say it is a shattered dream
I wish I can bring you back again

One day just for only one day
If I can get to see you
If this aged prayer can bring you back
What I couldn’t say
The words I couldn’t say that was deep inside my heart
Then I will tell you
I love you

One day just for only one day
If only my hand can wipe your tears
Then I will tell you
You are my everything
Please receive my last courage



*maaf nggak nemu liriknya* coba aja liat videonya di youtube yah hahaha



FIRST THING FIRST, the words I want to tell you. Although I don’t know where I should start,
I’ve been quite anxious Even now I’m feeling a little shy… (OH LOVE)
I’ll try to gather up more courage. You know that I can’t say these types of awkward phrases
Once in a lifetime, I think that time is now.
I’ll start here BABY please listen
* LET ME BE THE ONE, the only one for you. I want it to be me (LET ME BE THE ONE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, the entire day, I only think of you (OH LOVE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, I’ll promise you, that I’ll live for you (LET ME BE THE ONE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, for eternity, I’ll love only you (OH LOVE) *
Meaningless thoughts become the wind, tears overflow to form the sea
An insufficient man like me, by meeting you I FEEL SO SPECIAL
AND GIVE LOVE, it feels like a miracle. AND LET ME, please accept my heart
The only one in the world that makes me shine
Among the many stars in the world, the one place where I can rest easy
My happiness, sadness, smiles, and tears, they are all only for you.
If I am with you I don’t have anything to be afraid of
LET ME BE THE ONE, I exist because of you
LET ME BE THE ONE, the only one in the world, LET ME BE THE ONE WHO CARES.
LET ME BE THE ONE, It won’t change, even if I am born again
LET ME BE THE ONE, the only one for you. I want it to be me (LET ME BE THE ONE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, the entire day, I only think of you (That person is me)
LET ME BE THE ONE, I’ll promise you, that I’ll live for you (LET ME BE THE ONE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, for eternity, (WOULD YOU LET ME BE) I’ll love only you (OH LET ME BE)



(Eli) Yo listen up, this is my tragic story, just to break into my heart (check it)

(Hoon) I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
(U-Kiss) I cannot sleep at all at night
(Hoon) The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
(U-Kiss) And I cannot sleep at all at night

(AJ) The view of your back, leaving me on this rainy road
Because I couldn't do anything again,
I regret it again everyday. I'm sorry,
I pray, I want you to be back.
I can't. I can't stand it. I cannot stand a day without you.
My tears are falling again.
Will I be able to forget you ? When will I be like that till ?

(Soohyun) I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
(U-Kiss) I cannot sleep at all at night
(Soohyun) The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
(U-Kiss) And I cannot sleep at all at night

(Kiseop) Oh tonight again, tonight again, her

(Eli) I keep thinking of you at night, I cannot sleep
Why did I turn on this love show
The distance between us has increased
I was the servant of this love
Why did we fight ? Why were we like that ?
Did you lose the sight ? We used to be in love.
Why am I stuck in this moment ? The one I need is you, silly.

(Dongho) You, drooping your shoulders
You, taking a rest on the ground
You, hitting your chest in frustration
You, praying to the heavens with your hands clasped
I think of you getting up. Let's forget and erase all our bad memories.
(I'm sorry) How would you ? I cannot say anything besides 'I'm sorry'.

(Kevin) I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
(U-Kiss) I cannot sleep at all at night
(Kevin) The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
(U-Kiss) And I cannot sleep at all at night

(Kevin) Oh tonight again, tonight again, her

(Eli, AJ, Dongho) You and I, don't cut our cord.
Don't deny our r²π
Come to me, everything is fine now.
We will start everything over, over again.

(U-Kiss) I cannot sleep at all at night

(Hoon) I still cannot erase you
I keep thinking about you
I really miss you
(U-Kiss) I cannot sleep at all at night
(Kevin) The sound of the raindrops hitting on the window of my heart
The place that you left
I really miss you
(U-Kiss) And I cannot sleep at all at night



Yeah, Finally I realize that I am nothing without you
I was so wrong, forgive me
Ah ah ah ah

My broken heart like a wave
My shaken heart like a wind
My heart vanished like smoke
It can't be removed like a tattoo
I sigh deeply as if a ground is going to cave in
Only dusts are piled up in my mind
(Say goodbye)

Yeah, I thought I wouldn't be able to live even one day without you
But somehow I managed to live on (longer) than I thought
You don't answer anything as I cry out "I miss you"
I hope for a vain expectation but now it's useless
[ Lyrics from: ]
What is it about that person next to you, did he make you cry?
Dear can you even see me, did you forget completely?
I am worried, I feel anxiety because I can't get close nor try to talk to you
I spend long nights by myself, erasing my thoughts a thousand times
Don't look back and leave
Don't find me again and live (on)
Because I have no regrets from loving you, take only the good memories
I can bear it in some way
I can stand in some way
You should be happy if you are like this
I become dull day by day (eh eh eh eh)
Oh girl I cry, cry
You're my all, say goodbye...

If we pass by each other on the street
Act like you didn't see me and go the way you were walking to
If you keep thinking about our past memories
I might go look for you secretly

Always be happy with him, (so) I won't ever get a different mind
Even smallest regret won't be left out ever
Please live well as if I should feel jealous
You should always be like that bright sky, like that white cloud
Yes, you should always smile like that as if nothing happened


I hope your heart fees relieved
Please forget about me and live (on)
Those tears will dry completely
As time passes by
It would've hurt less if we didn't meet at all (mm)
Hope you will bury our promise of being together forever baby
I pray for you


Oh girl I cry, cry
You're my all, say goodbye, bye
Oh my love don't lie, lie
You're my heart, say goodbye


sekali denger lagu ini langsung waw. dulu, gue masih nggak tau artinya. sekalinya tau waaw

My love dear, stop there
I'm coming to you right now
I can't live without you for a day
I cry out with my heart

The person that I really loved
The person that was more precious than anything
The person whom I thought would stay next to me forever
Is leaving me

My heart hurts to death
I still only worry about you
The only person for me in this world
That person is leaving me


Things that I loved about you
The heart that cared about me more than anyone
I feel like you'd be standing if I turn around
But when I do, you're not there

Foolishly, not know my heart
That person is leaving me

My love dear, can you hear my words?
I'm crying like crazy right now
I'm sorry, I can't forget a single moment of you so
I call out your name

The person that I won't forget
Dear person who can't hear me

Where are you? Come back to me
I'm coming to you right now
Cause I feel like I will regret while living if not now
Cause I feel like you're the last love

Read more: CS Numbers Cry Out With My Heart English Translation lyrics | InfoTaip

DBSK 'Picture of You'

[Jaejoong]: After the evening sun sets, I follow the lights that appear one by one. I'm going towards you,

[Yoochun]: Before the cold wind that makes your shoulders flinch come, I'll embrace you.

[Changmin]: Look at me, love you, this foolish you. Even all those things are precious to me...

[All]: With a blinding heart like the sun rising above you, I'll protect you as much as the times that you spent waiting for me. All the dreams that I have prayed for, wrapped in the scent of my sincerity - they are coming for us. More than the air I breathe...

[Yunho]: In the hope that I may laugh with you on a bright morning, so that these hopes can come true,

[Jaejoong]: I'll wait for you (Yoochun: I'll wait for you), I won't let go of your hand. Even if you say they are only meaningless tears, I will wipe them away.

[Junsu]: Even if the end cannot be seen, no matter how hard a path it is, I'll promise you that. My my my mine, please be mine (Jaejoong: Please be mine).

[All]: With a blinding heart like the sun rising above you, (Changmin: Oh, got a picture of you) I'll protect you as much as those times you spent waiting for me (Yunho: I'll protect you). All the dreams (Yunho: All those dreams) I have prayed for, wrapped in the scent of my sincerity - they are coming for us.

[Jaejoong]: More than the air I breathe...

[Yunho]: "I love you", "There is only you now" -

[Changmin]: - I want to shout it to the end of this sky...

[Junsu]: Love you...My heart that threatens to burst is calling out for you~

[All]: Even if a painful fate finds us (Changmin: Even if a painful fate finds us), even if we are choked in that pain (Junsu: Even if we are choked in that pain)...Me, who can comfort all those pains, will only love you more.

[All]: Like those fragile, flower-like smiles, like the stars sparkling above us, I'll shine only for you. (Jaejoong: Only for you).

[All]: With a blinding heart like the sun rising above you (Junsu: Like the sun rising above you), I'll protect you (Yunho: Oh, yeah) as much as the times you spent for me (Jaejoong: I'll protect you, I'll love you).

[All]: I love you, I love you...You, this world's brightest star. With this dream-like

[Yoochun]: Heart...More than the air I breathe...

ini dari soundtrack kdrama yang sukses buat gue nangis. HBU



again today i looked into the sky aimlessly
i tried to draw your face slowly
your lips, your eyes are so lovely today
i tell my self that i need to forget you
i keep telling myself that can't see you anymore
but you're the only one for me
it can't be anyone else
will you accept my heart now

should i tell you that i love you?
do you know how i feel when i look you everyday?
if you stay by my side i don't want anything else
will you just stay my side?

should i try to run to you?
i want to know how you feel about me
that's the only thing i need
i can't imagine day without you
will you accept my feeling for you?

i try to remember everything that you did for me in the past
do you know how i feel when i look you everyday?
if you stay by my side i don't want anything else
will you please stay by my side and protect me?

should i tell you that i love you?
do you know how i feel when i look you everyday?
if you stay by my side i don't want anything else
will you just stay my side?

the cold looks you always gave me, and the way you used to talk to me
they don't matter to me anymore
will you tell me how you feel about me?

ilove you...
ilove you, ilove you more than anyone else in the world
if you give into this love i won't except anything else
you're enough for me

should i find the courage to confess to you?
i need to know how you feel about me right now
i don't desire anyone else

i can't live one day without you
i only love one person
the person i love is you



Smile a little more
with a happy smile

so that you can comfort my heart
that keeps looking for you

smile a little more
so that the world would be jealous

so that my heart that keeps calling for you
would not be able to become greedy

My heart curses at me, because I can’t even say I love you
My tears burst, because my longing for you flows and flows

Only that sad phrase has been struck to my throat like a thorn
And remain in my ears the whole day..

why does it have to be you
why did I have to love you

even if I shake my head
deny it
I can’t let you go

My heart curses at me, because I can’t even say I love you
My tears burst, because my longing for you flows and flows

Only that sad phrase has been struck to my throat like a thorn
And remain in my ears the whole day..

I love you, I love you forever
Even if you don’t look at me

Even if I say it a thousand times, you don’t know
Even if I wait at the same spot, you don’t know

My foolish love that simply looks at you like an idiot
You don’t know
No matter what..



It wasn't supposed to be love
It was never supposed to be
I fooled myself many times before, but my heart keeps on calling you
Before i tried to run away
I tried to push a step away
But even then you were growing bigger inside me

I must love you this much
I must wait for you this much
No matter how much it hurts, my heart can't leave you
There must be one love
My heart won't change
The love I protected for you, now I can tell you everything

Your warm eye expression
Your warm love
You are growing bigger inside me

You must have loved me
You must have waited for me
No matter how much I made you hurt, your heart can't leave me

There must be one love
My heart won't change
The love I protected for you, now I can tell you everything
I love you

Sometimes love, or tears will cause problems for us
I love you, I love you I just need you next to me

I must still love you
I must be waiting for you
I could fool my mind, but not my heart

There must be one love
My heart won't change
The love I protected for you, now I can tell you everything
I love you


kalo lo tau artinya. buh guys

The sky-coloured phone that you gifted to me
Even though I cannot wear it any more (Not any more)
I don’t want to be tired, don’t want to cry
Even though I promise endless times
You, who are laughing in another’s embrace
You probably don’t know that my heart is ripping (know)
Will never be able to approach that place
Because I am like an idiot

(Just once) Look at me
(Only for you) I’ll give you my heart
Do you really not see me?
Me who really wants you and wants you, I can’t even love
My heart hurts this much
I’ll hold your hands tightly so I can rely my feelings
Come back to me

I still want to love you, you changed in one morning
(I feel so sad, I can’t stop cryin’)
My lips speak you, my tears remember you who left
I want to love you , but it doesn’t work, like an idiot

(Just once) Look at me
(Only for you) I’ll give you my heart
Do you really not see me?
Me who really wants you and wants you, I can’t even love
My heart hurts this much
I’ll hold your hands tightly so I can show you my feelings

I only want to look at you, I want to give you my love
I want to put you in my embrace
I’ll look forward to you smiling at me, who can change your changed feelings
Even in my dreams

More than before I met you
I’m more lonelier
My heart may become more weight for you to handle
Don’t push me away, please don’t turn around
I won’t get bad feelings

Me who wants you and wants you, I can’t even love
My heart hurts this much
I’ll hold your hands tightly so I can show you my feelings
I only want to look at you, I want to give you my love
I want to put you in my embrace
I’ll look forward to you smiling at me, who can change your changed feelings
Even in my dreams


lagu lagu kejayaan buat Para galauers

Getting tired while waiting (U know?)
Gotten tired while waiting and~
U Know, do you know how I feel?
Gotten tired while waiting~
Do you still remember me? (Oh~ no)
Even if a day goes by, I'll still remember you
Even if a month goes by, I still won't let you go
Can you understand my desires for you? (oh~no)
Going insane while waiting
and each day feels like a year.
Oh~ I, I I I~ was waiting and while I was waiting,( yeah~)
It felt as if you would come back
or if I look back I would see your face

Oh~ I I I I~ am going insane, going insane (yeah~)
I am holding back just in case you come back, (oh yeah~ )
I am still waiting (oh yea~)
Even if a month goes by, I'll still remember you.
Even if a year goes by, I still won't let you go
Can you understand my desires for you? (oh~no)
Going insane while waiting
and each day feels like a year.
Oh~ I, I I I~ was waiting and while I was waiting
It felt as if you would come back
or if I look back I would see your face
Oh~ I I I I~ am going insane, going insane (yeah~)

Why is it so hard
and everything's so complicated in my head.
I was waiting and waiting
and yet no answers from you
I didn't cry because of you
and you didn't leave because of me
So why is it so hard, why is it so hard?

I will wait for a year
or even a decade if I have to.
Oh~ I I I I I I I I will wait and it's fine if tire myself out.
Going insane while waiting
and each day feels like a year.
Oh~ I, I I I~ was waiting and while I was waiting
It felt as if you would come back
or if I look back I would see your face
Oh~ I I I I~ am going insane, going insane (yeah~)

ini lagu 2AM yang bisa currr. coba deh cari lagunya sama MV nya


Even though I'm young, the pain is the same
Just because I don't know the world very well
Doesn't mean that I don't know pain

Why do you lie, saying it'll be okay?
How will my heart that hurts this much
Be healed so easily?
How will I live without you?
That's why I

Can't let you go, even if I die
How am I suppose to let you go?
Whether you go or leave, fix my heart
If you can't fix it so that I won't be in pain
So that I can at least live
I wouldn't be able to live anyway
I can't let you go, even if I die

No matter how much you push me away
I'll hold onto you until the end
So that you won't be able to go anywhere

If you're really going to leave, then lie
That we should meet again tomorrow
That we should meet as we smile
If breaking up wasn't a joke, then I

Can't let you go, even if I die
How am I suppose to let you go?
Whether you go or leave, fix my heart
If you can't fix it so that I won't be in pain
So that I can at least live
I wouldn't be able to live anyway
I can't let you go, even if I die

We went through so much time together
How are you telling me to live by myself now?
I can't do that, I can't

I can't let you go, even if I die
I really can't let you go
How am I suppose to let you go?
I can't let you go
Whether you go or leave, fix my heart
If you can't fix it so that I won't be in pain
So that I can at least live
I wouldn't be able to live anyway
I can't let you go, even if I die



My heart is still hurting
I can’t hold in my tears
Even though I said I had already forgotten
Even if I try to lie to myself
Because I still can’t forget you

Like crazy, my tears are falling (my tears are falling)
At this rate I’ll go crazy
I miss living proudly. What should I do? My tears keep falling

What did I do wrong?
Why did we separate?
I don’t know the reason
I’m very furious. No matter how hard I try to forget you, in the end it’s still you

Like crazy, my tears are falling (my tears are falling)
At this rate I’ll go crazy
I miss living proudly. What should I do? My tears keep falling

Even though I really don’t know the reason
No matter what I do will make you mad, right?
Because you’re always right and I’m always wrong
Let’s go back, stop my tears from falling

Like crazy, my tears are falling (my tears are falling)
At this rate I’ll go crazy
I miss living proudly.
What should I do?
My tears keep falling like crazy



As i think only of you all day
A single stream of tear flows on its own

Step by step, i see you
So even as i work, tears flow without me knowing

Even when i sing
Even when i walk the streets
I’m filled with thoughts of you

I wonder if you hurt like me
I wonder if you cry like me
I wonder if you live all day in memories like me

There are many things to laugh about forcibly
Like a wind-up doll, like it’s my job, i laugh

Even when i watch tv
Even when i meet my friends
I’m filled with thoughts of you

I wonder if you hurt like me
I wonder if you cry like me
I wonder if you live all day in memories like me

Because i smile every day
Because i show my smiles,
They think i am happy
But how can i smile, how can i smile without you
I smile and i smile but tears flow again

IU 'GOOD DAY' 'YOU AND I' eng trans

lagu galau dari IU. thanks so much

Why is the sky so much more blue?
Why is the breeze so perfect today?
Pretending like I don’t know
Like I didn’t hear a thing, like I erased it
Should we start talking about something else?
Should we kiss so we can’t say anything?

My eyes fill with tears, so I lift my head up
I smile a little so they won’t fall
Why are you like this to me, what are you saying?
All the things we talked about go to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I didn’t know I’d say as I cried
I like you, oppa, what do I do?

Was my recent hairstyle change bad?
Did I wear the wrong clothes?
Still pretending like I don’t know
Like I don’t remember
Should I act as if nothing happened?
Should I just say that we should go out?

My eyes fill with tears, so I lift my head up
I smile a little so they won’t fall
Why are you like this to me, what are you saying?
All the things we talked about go to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I didn’t know I’d say as I cried
I like you, oppa, what do I do?

Don’t say those kind of sad things
While looking at me like this
Is it that I’m childish or a bit slow?
I can’t believe it

Even though I’m crying, I smile
I block your way and I just smile widely
Why am I being like this, do I not have any shame?
I fold my pride up neatly and throw it up to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I might never be able to say again
I like you, oppa, aigoo, one, two
I’m in my dream

(It’s too beautiful, beautiful day)
(Make it a good day)
(Just don’t make me cry)

Such a good day



Whispering secrets while looking at a watch
My heart’s desperate story
It’s okay to harm my form
The more you demand I like it
Say my name

I’m scared that my heart would be revealed
through the gaps between my fingers
It’s too much for my heart I’m sad
Wait a little longer and wait for me
You and I, it can’t be yet
I want to pester the watch more but
In the future in which you are present
Say my name

The times when I first peeked around
You and I were together
You played with me, I liked you
When I ask, you liked me as well
What is my name

I’m afraid my heart will be revealed in between my hands
My heart is overwhelmed, it’s sad
Please wait a bit more and wait for me
You and I, we can’t be right now
I want to push on the clock even more but
In the future, which you will be in
Please call out my name

In a blink of an eye, I’ll be an adult
I hope you recognize me, I hope you remember me
Yes that strange child
I really like your image that shines in between my hands

As I twist it with my fingertips,
“hey, watch hands, run”
Fly a little faster
I close my eyes and cast a spell
You and I, we still have a little left
I don’t know what day or what time
Just in case, in the future in which you are present
If I’m lost
To help me recognize you,
Say my name

I’m afraid my heart will be revealed in between my hands
My heart is overwhelmed, it’s sad
Please wait a bit more and wait for me
You and I, we can’t be right now
I want to push on the clock even more but
In the future, which you will be in
Please call out my name