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Friday, July 6, 2012

the day of LIA's presentation

Essay waw! Tanggal 29 juni akhirnya presentasi datang juga. Gue nyampe di lia jam 7.15 karena belum pake baju kelas lia. Nyampe sana ternyata gue ada di ruang 119 yang di LBI itu. sendirian! Yang lain di gedung A. gue, yang udah sendirian dari kelas 3O2, ditempatin juga di kelas terpencil yang tak terjamah. Gue, yang baju kelasnya kegedean, eh juga lupa bawa jarum pentul buat krudung gue. Akhirnya gue pelan pelan banget jalan biar kerudungnya nggak rusak.

Jamjamjam ‘we will start with or without mr benny’ kata miss selvy. Jadi yang ngadju gue di kelas itu ada miss selvy, miss melly, sama mr. benny. Nah ceritanya nih mr benny belum dateng. Jadi miss selvy bilang gitu. ‘ulima, who’s ulima? Oh you’re the first candidate’ kata miss melly. Lancar hihihi Alhamdulillah. Terus pas ada sesi tanya jawab Vienna nanya
‘how’s your opinion about government who already took care of depots but still any depots opened’
‘ it depends on the customers. Sometimes because the depot refilled water is cheaper, people will choose it. But unfortunately their choice is wrong. With that fact, many sellers never close their depot. And many of them increase the quantity of depot’
Terus miss melly nanya juga
‘how about depot that already certificated by government’
‘it’s good if we can see the depots like that. But actually, it’s like ‘pure it’ by unilever. Depots have to rechange the equipment or sterilizer every 5 or 6 months. When depots don’t take that action, it will bring the harm in consumer. Because as consumer, we’ll never know if it is already rechange or not.’
‘oh like that’
‘yeah like that’
Terus miss selvy
‘how about your drinking water at home?’
‘at the first I used to drink depot refilled water, but after I found the article in the internet. I told my father to not buy depot refilled water anymore. So I use branded refilled water now.’
Terus missnya ketawa. Gue nggak lagi ngelucu kok. Tapi kenapa banyak orang yang ketawa ya kalo gue nyeritain cerita kehidupan gue. Gue bingung.
Pertanyaan terakhir
‘it’s very interesting topic. But how can you find this topic at the first?’
‘hehehe I saw my gallon in home and due to many depots in around my home, I tried to search it in the internet hehehe’
‘oh my God! Good good’
*iya dong, apa gunanya gue punya otak yang hayalannya agak banyak*
Sekarang waktunya komentar!
‘I found your presentation is very simple but it’s very very interesting and give us more acknowledgements! I saw your power point also good. Well preparation with the picture and the sound and music. It’s very good!’

Tapi tetep aja ada kritikan. Miss selvy ‘your speaking ability increase very good. But be careful with the word refilled, depot, and diarrhea’ hihihi

Terus gue tutup presentasi itu dan duduk. Kontestan berikutnya kak refi. Jujur gue nggak nemu ide nya karena dia bahas sepak bola. Dan gue sama sekali nggak tau apa apa! Terus yang berikutnya lagi si denny. Dia ngejelasin tentang android. Ngilerrrrr. Salivaaaa. Walopun dia tentang ngejelek jelekin android, tapiiiiii~ tetep aja ngiler. Terus Vienna yang bener bener anak ips bahas masalah politi, yang terakhir aras bahas tentang oplas. Akhirnya gue tau kenapa outline gue pas ngadep miss jinnie ditolak. Ternyata orang yang gunain tema oplas itu aras elaaaah telat nih gue. Tapi nggak papa deh. Kalo seandainya gue ga tentang depot refilled water, mana mau bokap gue beli the branded one.

Komentarnya miss selvy ke Vienna ‘control emotion’ terus mr benny bilang kalo emang Vienna itu debater. Gue langsung nunduk ‘ternyata emang bener ya gue ini bukan debater sejati, latar belakang gue sebenernya story teller’ tapi untungnya dari background gue itu ngedukung buat presentasi. Dimana yang lain emang udah dewasa dari gimana cara ngomongnya, gue masih ‘apa adanya ulima’ cengengesan nya nggak ilang ilang. Mungkin itu sebabnya kenapa coach selalu nyuruh gue lebih galak kali ya

Terus gue pulang dan cerita panjang lebar sama emak gue. Pas gue bilang tentang android emak gue langsung antusias ‘denny bawa tentang android? Hormone android?’ gue langsung beku. Emak gue ini kenapa pikirannya biologis amat sih. *garuk jok motor* ‘bukaaaaan, itu hape loh! Apa pula hormon’ ‘kan emang ada hormone android’ gue langsung speechless banget. Yadahhhhhh

Dan presentasi pun selesai. Tinggal direvisi …..


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